
Showing posts from March 5, 2014

DIY (painting on clothes)--- uradi sam (slikanje na odjeći)

I have promised you more DIY posts, haven't I? Today DIY project involves a technique that I have already posted about a few times. Basically all you have to do is buy some paint (there are many kinds out there and they're not expensive ) that can be applied on the clothes, make sure you put something under( a book, a magazine, anything) the material you're working with so that the paint doesn't get everywhere and that is all there is to it . As you may know, I love painting and I love clothes so you can imagine how trilled I am to join the two together. A match made in heaven if you ask me!  If you want to see the results, scroll down. Obećala sam vam više postova posvećenih radovima (tj uradi sam projektima), nisam li? Današnji uradi sam projekt je nešto o čemu sam već pisala, slikanje po odjeći. Sve što vam treba je kupiti boju koja se može nanositi na odjeću (ima puno vrsta u ponudi i nisu skupe) i nešto (knjiga, časopis, bilo što) što ćete staviti ispod materija...