Inspired by.....Barb

As promised, here is a new Inspired by This is a regular feature (on my blog), one in which I illustrate fashion bloggers. If you want to see more of similar posts, you can check out my last one ( here ) or even have a look at last year recap ( here ) from last year. Allright, now that we got that settled, let's talk about today's illustration. The medium is pencil and watercolour on paper. This illustration was inspired by Barabara from blog My kind of joy. Visit her blog here . Kao što sam obećala, evo nove Nadahnuta s ...ilustracije. Ovo je redovita rubrika (na mome blogu) u kojoj ilustriram modne blogere. Želite li vidjeti slične objave, možete pogledati moju zadnju objavu ovdje ili presjek zadnje godine ( ovdje ). Dobro sada kada smo to riješili, prijeđimo na današnju ilustraciju. Ona je nadahnuta Barbarom s bloga My kind of joy. Posjetite njen blog ovdje . I really like everything about this outfit, from the beret to the over the...