Inspired by...Nadahnuta s...
Time for another Inspired by feature on my blog. For those of you that are not familiar with this feature and what it is about, I can say that it is usually composed out of my fashion illustration (or illustrations) and links to the blog (or blogs) that inspired them. You can see my last Inspired by feature here. So, basically I draw or paint a fashion illustration inspired by an actual blogger and outfit and post it here. Today I painted an illustration of Len from Fetish Tokyo blog . I'm fascinated by her style that is at the same time modern and timeless. She always look so sophisticated and elegant and yet there is something unique about each one of her outfits. Vrijeme za još jednu Nadahnuta s rubriku na mom blogu. Za vas koji niste upoznati s ovom rubrikom i o čemu se radi, mogu reći da se obično sastoji od moje modne ilustracije (ili ilustracija) i linkova na blog (ili blogove) koji su in nadahnuli. Možete vidjeti moj zadnji "Nadahnuta s.." post ovd...