Instead of a recap, here are 4 outfits that I haven't shared until now (including a last minute NYE outfit idea), Happy New 2018!

It has been such a long time since I have posted an outfit post. As the New Year approached, I wasn't even sure whether I wanted to do an outfit recap or not. This year I was more focused on posting my art ( paintings & fashion illustrations) than on my outfits, but still there were some outfit posts that I rather liked. Then I realized how many outfits I haven't shared at all, all because I was so focused on other things. Should I post them next year? Then I figured, why not post them now instead of doing a recap? So, I selected four outfits from this Autumn/Winter. One more thing. Those of you that have a keen eye will probably notice that my weight hasn't been stable. I have, in fact, lost a lot of weight because of health complicated caused by Chron diseases (an incurable immune chronic disease). So, if in some of these photographs I look thinner than usual, it is because that is how it was. OUTFIT PROPOSAL FOR NEW YEAR EYE (OLIVE GREEN AND BLACK) Here ...