Instagram @modaodaradosti ( recap/ sažetak)

Post update: I don't have any social media anymore, so if you want to get in touch, you can do it by email or by commenting on the blog. I don't do Instagram recaps often. I think it's been more than six months since my last one. I decided to share this one because I have lots of images of my paintings and drawings that I haven't shared on my blog yet. In addition, I wanted to let you know that I've closed my Etsy shop. Not that I plan to stop painting or making art. I would have stopped a long time, if only I knew how. Ne radim često instagram sažetke. Mislim da ima više od šest mjeseci od moga zadnjega. Odlučila sam ovaj podijeliti jer ima puno fotografija mojih slika i crteža koje još nisam podijeliti na blogu. Usput, htjela sam vam reći da sam zatvorila svoj etsy dućan.. To ne znači da prestajem s slikanjem ili umjetnošću. Davno bi prestala da znam kako. @modaodaradosti ...