How to make a fashion illustration? / Kako napraviti modnu ilustraciju?
I'm not sure how qualified I'm to write about the process of making a fashion illustration, but I had a request for this type of post and I'm going to fulfill it. I'm an amateur when it comes to this kind of illustrations. This blog is the only place where I had ever shared my fashion illustrations (if you don't count random people who had glanced at my notebooks.) Clearly, I'm not an expert and for me fashion illustration is merely a hobby. Nisam sigurna koliko sam stručna pisati ovakav post, ali imala sam upit za ovakvim postom i ispuniti ću ga. Amater sam što se tiče ovog tipa ilustracija. Ovaj blog je jedino mjesto na kojem sam ikad objavila/podijelila svoje modne ilustracije (ako ne računamo nasumične ljude koji su pogledali u neku od mojih bilježnica). Očito, nisam stručnjak i za mene je modna ilustracija samo hobi. Now, there are probably only two reasons why anyone would want to make a fashion illustration. The first one is to to put on a pape...