
Showing posts from July 10, 2013

Riverside (outfit post) / Uz rijeku (odjevna kombinacija)

Riverside...sometimes Neretva river makes me think of Tolkien, elfs and the Riverside...there is really something magical about certain rivers. To be truthful, this was not supposed to be an outfit post. I just went to walk the dog and ended up with some photos. Right now I'm at place in my life where I feel comfortable not wearing any make up...and sharing photographs of outfits that are not at all dressed up but just the opposite. Besides, the location is pretty nice and I have a grin on my face, so that is something, right? Not everything has to be about the clothes all the time...:) xoxo Nisam planirala djeliti ove fotografije, nastale su usput dok sam šetala psa uz Neretvu (kao i uvijek oduševljena njenom ljepotom koja me podsjeća na Tolkienove priče o vilenjacima i njihovom staništu), ali nije mi nelagodno slikati se bez šminke i u odjevnoj kombinaciji koja je posve ležerna i nesređena, pa...Uostalom, mjesto je baš lijepo, a ja sam nasmijana i sretna, pa i to ...