April (recap) /Travanj (sažetak)

April had been a pretty productive month for me. I decided not to include all the outfits in this recap because that would just take up too much space (besides I didn't have time to publish them all), instead of that I picked up a few photos that represent this month for me as well and some of my illustrations and DIY. Travanj je bio poprilično produktivan mjesec za mene. Nisam u ovaj sažetak uključila sve odjevne kombinacije jer bi to zauzelo previše mjesta (a nisam ih sve ni objavila), umjesto toga odabrala sam par fotografija koje mi predstavljaju ovaj mjesec kao i neke svoje ilustracije i uradi sam projekte. necklaces that I have made this month illustrations a ring and a bracelet that I have won in a giveaway hosted by Kizzy sketches and illustrations I love my hoodie moment fashion illustrations home made Easter decorations and Easter day outfit my sketches and illustrations DIY shoes illustration inspired by Te...