My last two posts took you to Hvar town. Hvar is a gorgeous historical city and a centre of island's night life, but during the summer it can get a bit crowded on its beaches. There are just not enough beaches in Hvar town to meet the demand. Hvar city isn't very large so it is easy for its beaches to get crowded. Fortunately, there are some stunning beaches in vicinity and today I'll show you one of them. Milna bay is located in vicinity of Hvar town. This gorgeous bay is just a short drive away from Hvar town. Milna bay boosts with four beaches. I visited two of its beautiful beaches and I can vouch for them- they are absolutely stunning, particularly the larger one. I hope they won't be too crowded in the summer, so I can try swimming here. There are also some lovely pathways and tracks if you enjoy hiking as well. If you read my blog, then you probably know that there are many beautiful beaches on Hvar island. It is my mission to explore all of them and to sh...