
Showing posts from May 2, 2015

DIY of the day: fascinator / ukras za kosu

Step no. 1: glue the coffee beans to faux leather and decorate with nailpolish and/or acrylic paints/ prvi korak: zaljepiti zrna kave za eko kožu i ukrasiti lakom za nokte i/ili akrilnim bojama For the next and the last step you will need  a bit of thread and a needle/ za zadnji i posljednji korak trebati će vam igla i konac step no.2: sew the fascinator to the hairpin/ drugi korak: ušijte ukras za špangicu eccola! I won't get into why I usually have extra coffee beans around the house, ok? Indeed, to explain how I drink my coffee would take too much time. The point is that I usually do have some coffee beans (the ones that are not deemed good enough to end up in my coffee cup) and they inspired me to make a head fascinator....a little bit of glue, a piece of faux leather, one hairpin...and  voilà! Neću ulaziti u to zašto obično imam viška zrna kave kući, previše bi si vremena oduzela da objašnjavam neke svoje navike, nego ću samo reći š...