My last post about the westernmost Croatian town Umag was short and sweet. Likewise, my second post about Umag will be on the short side. In my last post, I didn't write the real reason why I was in Umag. You see, I wasn't really visiting it as a tourist. I actually relocated to Umag town back in May for work reasons. At the moment I'm working full time in the tourism sector so with the high seasons and everything I'm quite busy. The working days in the summer (during the high season) are usually quite long. They start early in the morning and end up late at night (with breaks) so I haven't had much time for blogging and posting. I promise to make it up to you in the future. At the start of this month, I relocated again (for work). My company has sent me to a new location in Croatia. Before I reveal where I am at the moment, I'll like to share with you another post about Umag city. Moreover, I will leave link to more posts about Croatia that you might find us...