Inspired by/ Nadahnuta s..........

Hi everyone! How are you? I'm fine, just awfully busy these days. Thank you for all of your lovely comments yesterday. Today I'm showing you two of my new drawings. These fashion illustrations were inspired by fashion bloggers Tijana from fashionabejita and Lucyna from irreplaceable-fashion . Check out their blogs to find more fashion inspiration! Scroll down to see the drawings and find the links to outfits that inspired me to draw them. Zdravo svima! Kako ste? Ja sam dobro, samo dosta zauzeta ovih dana. Hvala vam na lijepim komentarima jučer. Danas vam pokazujem svoja dva nova crteža. Ova modne ilustracije su nadahnute modnim blogericama Tijanom i Lucynom sa blogova fashionabejita i irreplaceable-fashion (ispod slika možete naći poveznice na odjevne kombinacije koje su me nadahnule da ih nacrtam). Potražite još modnoga nadahnuća na njihovim blogovima! coloured pencils on paper/ bojice na papiru Inspired by/nadahnuta s..... http://fashionabejita.blogs...