Hello dear readers! Today it's time for another post in my FASHION ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY series (read the last one here ). Today you'll have an opportunity to see a couple of my new fashion illustrations. One of them was drawn with reference and the other illustrations are from my imagination. The medium for all them is watercolour pencils on (sketchbook) paper. The sketchbook paper I was using is not really meant for watercolours but I think I got away with it. Let's get started, shall we? FROM MY MINI SKETCHBOOK: A GREEN DRESS ILLUSTRATION AND A PORTRAIT First I'm going to show you two illustrations from my smallest sketchbook. Bellow you can see both of them: 1) an illustration of a green dress paired with a pink bag and heels and 2) a portrait of a girl in a green top. So, both of them are about green spring vibes really. If I recall well, I sketched both of them yesterday. They are quite small and not very detailed so I didn't spend much time on them. Sometim...