
Showing posts from April 17, 2014

RIP Gabriel José García Márquez

“Never stop smiling not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.”  ―  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez “This was when she asked him whether it was true that love conquered all, as the songs said. 'It is true', he replied, 'but you would do well not to believe it.”  ―  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez ,  Of Love and Other Demons “Era inevitable: el olor de las almendras amargas le recordaba siempre el destino de los amores contrariados.”  ―  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez “Think of love as a state of grace; not the means to anything but the alpha and omega, an end in itself.”  ―  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez “Le dijo que el amor era un sentimiento contra natura, que condenaba a dos desconocidos a una dependencia mezquina e insalubre, tanto más efímera cuanto más intensa.”  ―  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez ,  Del amor y otros demonios "Only God knows how much I loved you.”  ―  Gabriel Garc...

Sabe Deus (illustrations/ ilustracija)

inspired by a song that has helped me trough hard times/ nadahnuto pjesmom koja mi  je pomogla u teškom razdoblju red and purple/ crvena i ljubičasta sempre primavera...mas se Deus quiser...uvijek proljeće...ako Bog da...