Warm Autumn/ Topla jesen
Warm autumn is incredibly seductive in its beauty. Some of us will find the tempation to spend a fair share of our time outdoors hard to resist. We might end up paying up for our pleasure with a violent cold. Despite the inevitable disappointments of every day, I'm trying to make the most out of these sunny days. They are like an unexplainable and unexpected gift. Despite the sudden changes of temperature, the rain that is followed by the blazing sun, I'm enchanted by this Autumn...Perhaps it is the chaos that attracts me...One thing is for sure. Mostar city never seemed more beautiful than now. The first time I arrived in this town, many years ago, it was Autumn...rainy and beautiful Autumn. Ljepota tople jeseni je nevjerojatno zavodljiva. Neki od nas neće moći odoljeti iskušenju da provode što više vremena vani, a možda ćemo to morati platiti s teškom prehladom. Unatoč neizbježnim razočaranjima svakog dana, nastojim u potpunosti iskoristiti ove sunčane dane. Oni su popu...