Meditations about beauty and happiness....Meditacije o ljepoti i sreći......
Today we're going to talk about beauty, joy and happiness. What it is that makes us happy? What I came to believe is that happiness is not something we should chase after. What? Wait a second! Isn't that what everyone is telling us to do? Isn't pursuit of happiness a very western thing to do? Isn't it progressive? Isn’t happiness what we should be after in this world? Maybe it is and maybe that is just what most people believe. You know sometimes I like to make a mental pause and think something along the lines…. if 'everyone' knew what they are doing, this world wouldn't be in such a pitiful state. So, maybe just maybe using my own head for thinking makes sense. This human life is often a paradox. If we clutch to happiness too tight, it might run like sand through our fists. I happen to believe that running after happiness can be quite futile. In life, I felt pretty good and quite happy in those very moments when according to all social rules, I shou...