Hello dear readers and fellow blog! In this post, we shall combine fashion. literature and illustration, meaning I'll share a book review accompanied by my outfits and illustrations. I shall review Miss Harriet, a short story or a novella by French writer Guy de Maupassant. Some sources say that Miss Harriet is a novella, and others that it's a short story. The fact that I read it in Maupassant's The Complete short stories edition, makes a case for the later. However, Miss Harriet 's considerably longer than most Maupassant's short stories, so I can understand it being described as a novella. Either way, it's an impressive piece of writing. I read it during the holiday season, and spoiler alert, it's a heavy read. Miss Harriet is a story that focuses on an unmarried women. I think it could be said that Miss Harries is a story about a lady who is trying to find meaning in life religion, nature and art. However, there is tragedy in this story, and toward...