Hello lovely readers! How have you been? I've been doing alright, a bit sleep deprived and exhausted at times but on overall not too bad. I can't complain. I feel like you can't really complain when you get to live on most beautiful island on the world (that would be HVAR ), even in these crazy times. It just doesn't sound right, does it? Anyhow, today I'm showing you a simple hiking outfit that is all about this vintage DIY lace skirt. I do like a bit of lace detailing on my skirts as you might know ( here ), so let's see what you need for this super easy DIY project. HOW TO MAKE A DIY LACE SKIRT WITH THINGS YOU HAVE AT HOME? Today I'm wearing a skirt that I 'accessorized' myself eight years ago. I figure it is a good thing to post about with coronavirus putting a stop to shopping and making many want to alter, DIY, upycle and recycle their clothing items. To this day, this was one of the easiest DIY projects I have ever done and it...