Hello dear readers! Today I will share with you two outfits that I wore today. Moreover, I'll share a book review for The Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans. I hope you're in a mood for a virtual stroll though Mostar city because that is on agenda today as well. It is a beautiful sunny day today. It's amazing what a beautiful day can do for one's mood sometimes. When I to finished my chores in the morning, I couldn't resist strolling the city with my significant other and official blog photographer. I'd love to take you along, if you're in the mood. Scroll down to read and see more. HR *Hrvatski prijevod ovog članka još u tijeku. There are similarities between these two outfits, mostly in that they both feature this semi-plaid skirt from a local designer brand Bellissima (link neither sponsored nor affiliated). In case you want to buy clothing that is made in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is a good local brand to check out and you can order both online or fin...