
Showing posts from December 16, 2016

How to style a denim skirt in Winter? Kako zimi nositi suknju od trapera? ( BUNA, BIH)

Last post ( here ) was ( at least partly) about how to dress for late Autumn/early Winter sunny days. So, it was basically about dressing up for those cold (but not too cold) and sunny days. Today I'm going to talk about dressing for late Autumn/ early Winter days that lack both sunshine and warmth. It is interesting how much colder we feel when we can't see the sun. I'm sure that it is partly psychological, because the absence of sun doesn't mean that the weather is freezing, but hey we need our comfort not just facts. I think that 'keeping warm' is relative, so we should dress according to how we feel, not only based on weather reports. Let's get back to the topic of styling our clothes for colder days. My solution is simple...Puffer jackets! The longer, the better because it will keep you warmer.  Under a warm and long puffer, you can wear whatever you like, even shorts and mini skirts. Well, in my case I wore a denim skirt that is just above the knee. S...