My fashion illustration of the day(faux fur jacket& bell bottom pants) / Moja modna ilustracija dana (jakna od umjetnoga krzna i hlače na zvono)

EN Why, why is rather cold today! One of the reasons why I love wearing flare jeans (besides the obvious one and that is that I like how they look) is this feeling I get of my legs being enclosed in a warm aired balloon. That's makes me think of that expression 'loon pants'. I'm not the only one who though of balloons in connection with this style because supposedly, that is how loon pants got their name (short from balloon pants). Loon pants are, as far as I know, a style of flare pants with a wider flare at the bottom. I'm not sure is this expression used anymore, perhaps it is a bit dated. Bell bottoms is another popular name for flares and I believe it is actually the original one. First references to bell bottoms were made by someone describing sailor's uniforms, albeit those first 'bell bottoms' were not as flared as those we know and love today. I believe they were simply wide trousers- probably not skin tight in the upper part and loose at ...