
Showing posts from November 13, 2016

Inspired by....Nadahnuta s.....Ivana Markovic

Time for another Inspired by feature on my blog. As you know,  this is a regual feature on my blog. Here I post illustrations, paintings or drawings of my fellow bloggers. This time I'm sharing with you two watercolours (i.e. aquarelle paintings). They are both inspired by +Ivana Markovic   from bambolai blog ( here ). The illustration on the right was more a sketch for the painting on the left. Which one do you prefer? Vrijeme je za još jednu Nadahnuta s ...rubriku na mome blogu. Kao što znate, ovo je redovita rubrika na mome blogu. Ovdje objavljujem ilustracije, slike ili crteže svojih kolega blogera (ili češće blogerica). Ovoga puta dijelim sa vama dva akvarela. Obje slike su nadahnute Ivanom Marković s bloga bambolai ( ovdje ). Ilustracija s desne strane je zapravo više skica za sliku slijeva. Koja vam se više sviđa? medium: pencil and watercolours on paper medij: vodene boje i olovka na papiru medium: pencil and watercol...

There is one thing that I always wondered about....Ima nešto što sam se uvijek pitala.....

There is one thing that I always wondered about. It is a tragedy or a blessing that the world never stops. Sometimes it seems it is a tragedy, but other times, it feels more like a blessing. When something bad happens, you (at least on a subconscious level) except the world to stop, but it never does. I couldn't understand it when I was younger but now that doesn’t bother me anymore. Probably because I stopped expecting the world to help those who need help. I’m old enough to know it doesn’t work that way; it is never fair. The little fairness we manage to infuse into it is a result of hard work.  However, as cheesy as it may sound, human spirit can survive everything. I’ve witnessed it many times.  Witnessed how incredibly strong individuals can be. How they can be support for everyone else even when their life is falling apart. I’ve seen people survive intense trauma and mistreatment and come out of  filled with love and willing to help anyone. If one person can do...