Two necklaces (outfit post) / Dvije ogrlice (odjevna kombinacija)
What shall I show you today? How does leopard print with red accents sound to you? I found my beloved leopard moda in leggings. I've been searching for them for an entire year and no wonder I couldn't find this pair because it was at my grandmother's house all this time. You know that an item belongs in your closet when you keep on looking. However, this pair was not the only thing I found, last year I also left this vintage shirt dress here. Both of the necklaces I'm wearing in this outfit I made myself. One of them is made from red denim and satin cord and the other one is from faux leather. You may have noticed that I prefer to use different materials when I'm making jewellery. I love both clothes and jewellery and it is a really fun challange for me to connect the two. Što da vam danas pokažem? Kako vam zvuči leopard uzorak s crvenim naglascima? Pronašla sam svoje drage leopard tajice (gege) iz moda in-a, koje sam zapravo tražila cijele godine, a nije ni ču...