Shall we dance? Why should we dance? (fashion illustration of the day) / Hoćemo li zaplesati? Zašto bismo trebali plesati? (modna ilustracija dana)

Shall we dance? Before you even answer that question, here is another one. Why should we dance? Actually, there are a number of reasons why we should dance. So, even if you're not a dance lover, you might want to consider at least dancing in the privacy of your own home or when nobody is watching (I'm always dancing when nobody is watching). Anyhow, here are five reasons why you should consider /reconsider being up for a dance or two: Hoćemo li zaplesati? Prije nego što odgovorite na to pitanje, evo još jednoga. Zašto bi trebali plesati. Zapravo postoji niz razloga zbog kojih bi trebali plesati. Tako da čak ako i ne volite ples, možete razmisliti o tome da barem zaplešete u privatnosti svoga doma ili kada nitko ne gleda (ja uvijek plešem kada nitko ne gleda). Uglavnom evo pet razloga zašto biste trebali razmisliti o tome da budete raspoloženi za pokoji ples: 1. Dancing has been proven to reduce anxiety. I think it is because it functions both as physical release of ...