Fashion illustration of the day (purple) / Modna ilustracija dana (ljubičasta)

Late Summer. Finally, I can sense the transition in the air, that sense of change that is so much more than just the fact of temperature starting to drop. The nature is starting to dance according to a new beat and everything is about to change. The air is beginning to cool down, epecially in the morning and in the evening. Still, the Summer lingers. Caught between the seasons feels like being caught up in some old memory, Hidding away from life in some old jazz bar, caught between the desire to act and to withdraw. Yet, what is life? Isn't it also memories and being wrapped up in our thoughts? Isn't it also a sense of change and uncertainty? Kasno ljeto. Mogu konačno osjetiti promjenu u zraku, taj osjećaj promjene koji je puno više od samo pada temperature. Priroda počinje plesati na novi ritam i sve će se uskoro promijeniti. Zrak postaje hladniji, pogotovo ujutro i navečer. Ipak, ljeto je još uvijek tu. Uhvaćena između sezona, osjećam se kao da sam u nekom starom sjeća...