Two Ways To Wear An Off Shoulder Dress: Outfit Proposals

I promised to show you another way to style this white off shoulder dress /tunics, haven't I? I already wore it with white jeans, and today I'm going to show you how to wear it with a red floral skirt. This vintage floral skirt comes from a matching set (I'll show you more photographs bellow). If you own a matching set, there is no need to limit yourself to wearing it in the same way. You can always mix and match. For example, in the outfit you can see bellow, the floral details on the off shoulder dress/blouse match really well with the floral details on the skirt. It's a different floral print, but it looks nice worn together. At least I think so! White and red is always a winning combo if you ask me. There is something about the combination of those two colours that is always eye-catching. Throw in some blue and caramel details and I'm happy as I can be. I guess I'm just a girl who loves colours. Off Shoulder Dress: here , skirt: vintage, bag: purchase...