
Showing posts from January 31, 2013

seventies forever... today's outfit+ DIY / tko ne bi volio biti u ludim sedamdesetima barem dan?;)

Can you guess the DIY in today's outfit? There are the jeans obviously...and those big earrings are my creation. The DIY pink shirt you cannot see well, but with a help of some paint, it is now  full of my favourite proverbs. You'll probably see the shirt when the weather gets warm enough to make coats unnecessary...  In the meantime you can see  a photo of "how it is made?"  These earrings I have made about 8 years ago and as you can see they don't look as well as they used to...I still love them, though. They're very light so they don't hang heavy on the ears. In addition, they are one of a kind. " Vivi e lascio vivere"  My life's philosophy. I think of myself as pretty much a tolerant person, I think we should embrace the fact we are created  unique and different from each other. I cannot understand people who refuse to accept others just because they have a different sexual or social  identity. As you can ...

statement necklace: my design/ ogrlica koju sam izradila

If we are to believe the historians, the first jewellery (or jewelry if you speak AE) was made  about  75 000 years ago and it was worn by the African ladies. In that sense, jewellery (BE) could just be the first fashion statement. Here is a necklace that I made from fimo.  I've only showed you one photo of it so far. What do you think? I love statement jewellery and statement necklaces are just about perfect way to do it. In winter I think they go perfect with turtle necks and shirts. This blue turtle neck is one of the few things that I have bought recently. I haven't done much shopping during the sales.  Ako ćemo vjerovat povijesničarima, prvi nakit nosile su žene  u Africi prije 75 000 godina, pa nakit možda možemo smatrati i prvim modnim izričajem naše vrste.  Evo ogrlice od fima koju sam sama osmislila i napravila. Sviđa li vam se? Volim izražajan nakit, a velike ili upečatljive ogrlice zimi, rekla bih, savršeno idu preko košulja i...