vlog (DIY flower design) / video (uradi sam), uzorak cvijeća
Yes, I'm continuing with DIY posts. I've even prepared a short video for you (the video has been removed because I don't have an Youtube Channel at the moment, sorry). As I didn't wanted the video to last forever, I haven't finished the design but sort of stopped in the middle of the process. To be honest, it was kind of hard having to hold the sweater facing toward the cam and painting on it at the same time. The pattern on this sweater I completed later on (a few minutes after turning the cam off). You can see the final result if you scroll down...and that is not all! I've also included a photograph of a DIY angel from a few days ago (in case you want to see how it turned out). As always, comments are welcomed!xoxo Da, nastavljam sa postovima uradi sam tematike. Čak sam vam pripremila i kratki video (nema video zapisa jer nam više svoj kanal, oprostite). Kako nisam htjela da video traje predugo, nisam dovršila dizajn nego sam stala u pola posla. Bit ću...