
Showing posts from October 2, 2015

Fringes, hearts and everything nice..../ Rese, srčeka i sve lijepo......

This is not the first time I'm wearing this necklace, it was already featured here . I quite enjoyed designing and making it. Working with recycled materials is always fun because it calls for a lot of creativity. Besides, it feeds the incurable optimist in me that stubbornly believes  we can (at least sometimes) really make the most of things. Sometimes life is like bad coffee and we need to keep adding sugar to make it bearable....or in this case, fringes and hearts. Nije prvi put da nosim ovu ogrlicu, već ste je imali priliku vidjeti ovdje . Bilo ju je veliko zadovoljstvo osmišljavati i praviti. Raditi s recikliranim materijalima je uvijek zadovoljstvo zato jer zahtjeva dosta kreativnosti.  Osim toga, to hrani onog neizlječivog optimista u meni koji tvrdoglavo vjeruje da ponekad zaista možemo izvući maksimum iz stvari. Život zna biti kao loša kava, moramo dodati šećera da bude podnošljiva...ili u ovom slučaju srčeka i rese. DIY necklace (made from faux lea...