
Showing posts from September 18, 2015

The Sea Lady (outfit post) / Morska žena (odjevna objava), Split city, Zenta Marine

Yesterday I wore this polka dress (available  here ) in a casual way, promising to show you how to dress it up today. We must keep our promises, right? Well, the easiest way to dress up just about anything is by choosing a nice pair of high heels. This time I opted for orange sandals with very high heels that matched the colour of the sunset (not that I was planning it).  In case anyone is interested, the location were the photographs were taken is Zenta in Split city, Croatia.  I loved hanging out here when I was a little girl, dreaming that some day one of these boats would be mine. Speaking about the longing for the sea, I have a reading recommendations for you. I'm finished The Sea Lady by Margaret Drabble and it is absolutely brilliant. If you are interested, I might share a review. Jučer sam nosila ovu haljinicu na točkice (dostupna ovdje )  u ležeroj kombinaciji, a obećala sam vam danas pokazati sređeniju verziju danas. Svojih obećanja se moramo drža...