May recap / Svibanj sažetak

MAY recap DIY dress (you'll see it soon) once a book lover, always a book lover (next photo-- a very similar DIY I've posted about ) DIY bag Mostar Flamenco performace in Mostar (enjoyed it a lot! I love flamenco) up there in the sky Fashion illustration DIY box ( made from icecream packaging) Birds Beauty essentials shoes are boring, wear sneakers nail polish review Split Mostar DIY shoes Dream big Better late than never, so here it is- May recap. I don't remember when a month has flown by faster! It has been a busy month and not always in a good way. To be honest I was so stressed about so many things this May and my health wasn't that great, but let's concentrate on the positive things. There were many DIY projects in this month that I really enjoyed, I took a lot of photos and draw more than a few illustrations... at least I can say I certainly wasn't idle. Bolje ikad n...