Touching Up Old Marker Drawings & Making Some New Marker Art

Hello, how are you? I'm fine. Yesterday I had spent the whole day working on a commission painting and I must admit that I'm exhausted. The painting is nearly finished, but still needs a bit of work. I've been working on it for days now, and I can't wait to see it done. It is a family portrait, so I'm kind of stressed. I mean, it is such a huge responsibility to paint something like that. You are basically creating a painting that will hang in somebody's living room forever. I might show it to you tomorrow or some time this week if you're curious. Fingers crossed that I manage to finish it. Anyhow, today I decided to step back a bit and show you something a bit different, that is, my marker art. RETOUCHED ART Not only have I been retouching some marker art lately, I've also been drawing more with markers. The plan is to share it all with you today. Let me know what you think. I already shared one drawing on Instagram yesterday, and today...