Two outfits / Dvije odjevne kombinacije (collaboration/ suradnja CNDirect)

Yesterday morning a package from CNDirect arrived. I ordered and received this coat , this striped cardigan/jacket and this blouse . I was impatient to try the coat on, but it was too warm during the day so I had to wait until evening hence the second set of photographs is a bit blurry. I wore the striped jacket over a dress in the morning and in the evening I styled the coat and the blouse I received in another outfit. What do you think about my outfits? Have I styled them well? Jučer ujutro mi je stigao paket CNDirect stranice. Naručila sam ovaj kaput , ovu prugasti kardigan jaknicu i ovu bluzu . Bila sam nestrpljiva da isprobam kaput, ali bilo je prevruće tijekom dana te sam morala čekati do večeri pa je drugi dio fotografija malo mutan. Nosila sam prugastu jaknicu preko haljine ujutro, a navečer sam skupa nosila kaput i bluzu koju sam dobila u drugoj kombinaciji. Što mislite o odjevnim kombinacijama? Jesam li ih dobro složila? morning outfit/ juta...