
Showing posts from June 30, 2014

June recap/ Sažetak lipnja

  Bye, bye June...I must admit I'm not sad to see you off. Still, your lessons were valuable, even if difficult. In this recap I've included random pics and illustrations (I couldn't include them all) There were  things I didn't manage to share, written posts that I haven't managed to post, but that's the way it usually is...we'll see what the next month brings. Doviđenja lipnju...moram priznati da mi nije žao što ću te ispratit...ipak, vjerujem da su tvoje lekcije bile vrijedne, iako teške. U ovaj sažetak uvrstila sam nekakav nasumični izbor fotografija i ilustracija jer bi previše bilo uvrsiti sve...i da bilo je stvari koje nisam stigla podijeliti, napisanih postova koje nisam stigla objaviti, ali tako to ide...Vidjet ćemo što nam novi mjesec donosi.

beach outfit /odjevna kombinacija za plažu

Summer is here and all that so I decided to post one beach outfit. It's been a while since I've published an outfit post, hasn't it?  For me a quintessential beach wear is the pareo . Easy to style and extra comfortable, it can be transformed in a maxi dress, maxi skirt or something a bit shorter in seconds...There are many possibilities. So, what's not to love about that? It is very liberating to be free of stitches, buttons and all that. I hope you don't mind it's from last year because this year I've been to beach only once. The location is Žnjan, Split. Ljeto je tu i tako to pa je vrijeme za jednu odjevnu kombinaciju za plažu. Odavno nisam objavila nikakvu odjevnu kombinaciju, zar ne? Za mene je osnovni odjevni predmet za plažu pareo. Lako ga je stilizirati, jako je udoban, a u sekundi možete ga pretvoriti u dugu suknju ili haljinu...ili nešto kraće...mogućnosti su brojne. Kako ga onda ne voljeti? Jako je oslobađajuće biti oslobođen šavova, dugmadi ...