Inspired illustrations inspired by fashion bloggers: 2017 edition (pencil, watercolour, acrylics)

Inspired by is one of favourite features on this blog. I had to give it up while I was sick (just like everything else), but I hope I will be able to return to it next year. This year I have illustrated a lot of lovely bloggers. Therefore, I decided to do a little recap, and I hope that you'll enjoy it. I have worked hard on my illustrating skills this year, I've tried some new mediums and generally speaking I've spent a lot of time trying to make art. This also reflected on my blog, and posting art became a regular thing (apart from the time I was in hospital & recovering, but then I obviously wasn't posting anything at all). I've divided illustrations into groups based on the medium that I used because I think it looks more neat that way (and some of you might want to know more about mediums employed). 3 WATERCOLOUR 'INSPIRED BY' ILLUSTRATIONS (PAOLA, NICOLETA, LERA) Working with watercolour is always lovely, but I do still...