my fav tartan jacket/ moja najdraža karirana jakna

Today it's cold and rainy and I'm not in the mood for taking photos or being photographed. Although, that might change as I'm going to see a dancing performace tonight but until then I have something else I'd like to share. So, what I'm going to do is show you my favourite denim jacket. I love it because in the winter I can wear it under a coat and it is just perfect for autumn and spring time. It's made from wool, which makes it very warm and at the same time comfortable. The first two photos are taken in Mostar (BiH) and the last two in Split (Croatia). I've just noticed that my outfits are kind of similar, both times I've combined the jacket with a short dress. Do you like patterns? What about Scottish tartan? I'm absolutely crazy about this pattern:) I like to see it just about anywhere: dresses, skirts, pants, shoes and jackets.