Portraits (oil paints vs watercolour)/ Portreti (uljane boje nasuprot vodenim bojama)

POST UPDATE 2024: I added a few more of my more recent portraits to the mix. It gives you a chance to see the evolution of my style. FRIDAY FASHION ILLUSTRATION: TWO PORTRAITS Today I'll share two portrait sketches in my 'fashion illustration' style. The medium for both of them is watercolour pencils on paper. As you might know, I often turn to this medium when I want something done quickly. It's not a medium I've mastered, but I do enjoy it. When it happens that I don't have the time for art, I make sketches. Sometimes a quick sketch can lead you places. Sometimes it is a dead end. You never know until you try, don't you? Anyhow, quick sketches might be all that I'll be doing in foreseeable future. In my last post (on Friday), I wrote about protecting one's art against AI. Not that I'm an expert on the topic, but it is an issue that deserves attention. I might write more about it in the future. ...