I'm back with yet another Inspired by post. This time I illustrated the same bloggers as yesterday but this time I used watercolour pencils to do it (as opposed to coloured pencils I used yesterday). So, the fashion illustrations I'll share with you today are actually more aquarelle illustrations (or even mini paintings if you will) than drawings. Once again I illustrated Akiko from blog Kimono Snack, Lovely from blog My Name is Lovely and Vix from blog Vintage Vixen. When it comes to outfits Vix and  Lovely, I illustrated the same outfits as yesterday. So, it's the same outfits and even poses just I'm using different media. When it comes to Akiko, I didn't illustrate the same outfit but a very similar one, so it's almost the same (see it HERE).  I'll also repeat the links  I shared yesterday- you can see the photo  the reference for Lovely's outfit here and Vix's outfit here.  This time I devoted even more time and effort into making these illustrations. I hope I'll inspire some of you to try art or encourage you to develop some other skills. I want to show you that we get better at something by doing it, not by thinking about doing it. Art is like anything really- what counts is the time and effort you put into it. Whatever you want to do in the creative field, be it work or just a hobby- don't overthink it. Picasso said it best- Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. If you want me to share with you how I keep up with by creative hobbies, write so in the comments and then I can plan posts around it. Now, scroll down and let's get this party started. 

#modaodaradosti illustrating fashion bloggers

This time we'll start with Vix's outfit because I feel like I haven't done it justice with my last fashion illustration. Yesterday when I drew it, I was too tired to shadow it correctly and I didn't feel like I did a good job. Therefore, the first thing I did in the morning was go back to Vix's post, download the photograph on my laptop, enlarge it and study it carefully. Only then did I get to the business of illustrating it- and I took a lot of photographs of the process (sorry about the quality of some of these photographs, I edited the photos lighter but it was a cloudy day and I don't have professional equipment so there isn't more that I can do). So, I decided to include many of these WIP (work in progress) photographs because I know you my readers always say you enjoy that. In addition, this way you can not only see my art process but also see how I use watercolour pencils.  I didn't go about this illustration in any ordered way, I didn't sketch it with ordinary pencils or measured proportions, because I'm at a point when I don't have to, at least not always. If you want to see how to do a fashion figure before drawing clothes on it, there are many resources online made by people who actually teach fashion illustration so I'm sure you can  find something great for yourself. Anyhow, at this point I just grabbed my watercolour pencils and started drawing but I also had to keep in mind that I will apply water later, hence I wasn't drawing it like a drawing but like a preparation for a painting, if you get what I mean. Still, as I was drawing it, I ended up liking how it looked like a drawing. I was even a bit tempted not to apply water. This is not a large format drawing, approximately A4 ( I cut a paper from a larger block in half) but it took me good two hours to finish it. Some of that time was spent studying the photograph, some drawing and some painting. I took my time with this one and I enjoyed the process more. Sometimes it is good to try to do something in less time as a way of practicing your technique, but sometimes it is good to take your time, especially if you are drawing or painting something you want to be happy with. Long story short, if you want to  control the end process better, take more time. If you want to just practice or get your creative juices going, then working quickly is the way to go. 

#modaodaradosti illustrating fashion bloggers
#modaodaradosti illustrating fashion bloggers
#modaodaradosti illustrating fashion bloggers

I actually liked the fashion drawing of Lovely I did yesterday, but I illustrated this outfit again because practice makes perfect. But here is the thing- I don't think I did a good job today, which doesn't make sense because I invested more time and effort this time around. However, that's the way art works. It is not predictable. I think the problems was that I was happy with the illustration I did yesterday with coloured pencils so I just went for without thinking enough about the media I was using. I sketches the drawing well enough but the end result looked more like a drawing then like a watercolour fashion illustration. I'm still happy I did this one. It is always good to make more version of the motive because that's just a great learning tool. Every mistake is a learning opportunity. Besides, what's the worse thing that can happen? In the worst case I'll end up having a fashion illustration of a blogger I follow and like. Who cares if it is not perfect? I might do it again- and I have yesterday reference to consult. Do you see what I'm trying to say and what I'm actually trying to write about? I want to inspire you to just go for it when it comes to art and don't be hard on yourself. 

I'm really happy with how this watercolour pencil illustration turned out. With this one I also illustrated background because: a) it was beautiful b) it was relevant for the movement I was trying to capture on the illustration, i.e, walking down the stairs kind of movement. This is such a cute pose, btw, very relaxed and gorgeous, I might copy it some day. Back to the subject. The reason why I choose this photograph to illustrate is because I like to capture movement in my illustrations and because I can. I don't have to stick to same fashion template poses (not that there is anything wrong with that, bullet proof poses are great when you want to concentrate on just clothes). It's just that, well I'm more skilled than that, I took art courses and I actually know how to sketch body in movement, so why not do it? Sometimes I rely on well known poses to illustrate but sometimes I like to challenge myself a little. So, how do you feel about this one? I think it took about one hour to finish. In total, I would say that these three illustrations took me about four hours to finish and about an hour to edit and then it took me probably an hour to write this post. Lots of hours of work in this one. 

If you are one of the bloggers I illustrated, feel free to share these illustration if you want (or not, it's totally up to you, don't feel obliged to, just saying that don't have to ask for permission if you want to). That would be all for today. Thank you for reading and visiting. Take care & stay safe. God bless!


  1. These are so lovely. These girls are friends I made thanks to blogging.

  2. Don't worry, I think shades on the first picture are awesome! This outfit reminds me of a traditional clothes of some asian countries.
    I should try to draw some illustrations in December. I always want to do it after your posts.

    1. I'm happy with the shades on the first picture. It's just that yesterday I wasn't happy with them so I did this illustration again and now I'm happy with it.

  3. Beautiful work! Very unique outfit in the first. Love what's on her head. Such great details in the skirt. Love how you just let yourself go and see where the sketch went. I have only taken one art class and that was very high school. Except my art teacher was a little strange. He had been a song writer and actually made it to Nashville..only to be addicted to after rehab he started teaching art and he would make us do a warm up exercise where you had to sketch as fast as you could. I am not sure it did me much good.

    Awesome post! Love the floral shirt and pants in the last piece.

    1. Yes, that sounds like a smart move. I need to exercise more. All the sitting and painting is killing me.

  4. So lovely! Great inspiration. I will confess..I am the worst when it comes to colored pencils. Some wonderful outfits!

  5. Venho por parte da Amiga Marisa Cavaleiro. As suas pinturas são realmente belas!:)
    uero sentir que pertenço à liberdade.
    Beijo e um dia feliz!

  6. You have such a wonderful talent for creating these drawings Ivana!

  7. Your artwork just gets better and better! You've captured my birthday dress perfectly! x

  8. Queste ragazze hanno tute e tre un grande senso dello stile ed i loro outfit sono sempre molto particolari, non mi meraviglia che ti abbiano ispirato!
    Molto belli tutti e tre i disegni, mi piace in particolare l'ultimo, per lo più per la posa, che dà più movimento a tutto.
    Bravissima Ivana! :D

  9. It always turns out better when we're not tired and have more time! These are fantastic, Ivana, and you really captured Vix's outfit so well, right down to her yellow boots!

    I like seeing the WIP too - for people who don't do art, it helps see how it's created.

    Hope you are having a good week, sweetie. :)

  10. These are sublime, Ivana, especially Vic's outfit, which you captured to perfection. I also loved seeing the work in progress. Hope your week is going well, Ivana! xxx

    1. Thank you so much. Sometimes work in progress photos can be interesting as well.

  11. You really have a talent for capturing things. I love all 3, the girls must be so happy with your sketches of them :-D

  12. Ah, the watercolours work wonderfully for this!!! Vix is certainly a beautiful muse! As is Akiko!

  13. I think today's are just wonderful Ivana. Even if you don't think they are as good, we see it differently.

  14. These outfits are all so chic and have so much visual interest. I can see why you were inspired and your artistic versions all came out beautiful. I'm not very good with drawing but I have been spending more time working on my hand lettering lately.

  15. Hello Ivana, I've popped over because I saw your illustrations on Vix's blog. They are awesome! Love 'em. And what great muses you have! Lulu x

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I have the best muses.

  16. Fantastic illustrations Ivana! I'm so touched.

  17. Thank you again, Ivana!! I am so excited bigger painting than your instagram!
    Your that series are so great, and I am looking forward to seeing always.
    I feel like that my small entrance in Tokyo looks so wide, and I feel like that I am in Hvar!
    It is a beautiful imagination of travel!!
    I am planning to panit you<3



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