I've been working with pencil a lot lately. In fact, with all the drawing I've been doing, it has come to the point where my right hand hurts rather badly. Not that it is a serious problem, I'm sure that my hand will recover as soon as I give it some rest. Anyhow, today I'm posting a drawing that I have been working on forever. I was trying to strike a balance between realistic and 'my style'. How did I do? I'm not sure. Some of you said you find the 'painting/drawing process' interesting, so I've decided to include 'before' and 'after' photograph, even if the difference in this case is a subtle one. S U zadnje vrijeme sam dosta radila s olovkom. Zapravo, uza sve to crtanje došla sam to točke u kojoj me desna ruka poprilično boli. Ne da je to neki ozbiljan problem, sigurna sam da će mi se ruka oporaviti čim ju malo odmorim. Uglavnom, danas objavljujem crtež na kojem sam dugo radila, pokušavajući postići ravnotežu između r...