Les Miserables (outfit post+ book recommendation/ odjevna objava+ preporuka knjige)
I honestly don't remember when I enjoyed a novel as much as Les Miserable s by Victor Hugo and that, taken the fact that literature is a huge part of my life, is saying a lot. I loved absolutely everything about it, not just the characters and the story but also those parts that were historical and philosophical. This is a true classic and I good reminder to myself why it is always a good idea to get back to the classics. Now, about the outfit. Cat ears that I'm wearing started out as a necklace, worked part time as a belt and a bracelet, but you know how it is with jewellery I make, I always find new uses for it. Sometimes I think about the different function in the process of designing my pieces, but sometimes I get ideas as time goes up. This necklace I'm wearing is also my creation. Iskreno se ne sjećam kada sam uživala u nekom romanu tako kao u Jadnicima Victora Huga i to nije mala stvar za reći, s obzirom na to koliko je prostora u mom životu posvećeno baš knjiže...