Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! I'm back with a new painting! In this post, I'll share a quick landscape sketch I made inspired by island Malta. I actually painted this on a back of one of my sketchbooks. The back of that sketchbook is made from cardboard, so I guess the medium is acrylic paints on cardboard. I actually like painting on cardboard for some reason. Maybe it takes me back to my DIY roots. I've always enjoyed creative projects, arts, crafts and that sort of thing. Even now when I took proper art classes, and learned to do art properly, I still enjoy quick projects, mixing media, as well as almost improvised paintings. This painting was a quick seascape depicting Ghajn Tuffieha bay (Malta). As readers of my blog surely know, seascapes are my passion. I've done many detailed seascapes in the past, but this one is anything but detailed. This Malta seascape is quick and energetic. It's almost Impressionist in its brush strokes. Instead of focusing ...