November Highlights & Things To Be Grateful For

Time flies so fast, doesn't it? Well, welcome December, it's lovely to see you. Before I get into December spirit, I do feel a need to say goodbye to November. Hence I'll be sharing some November highlights with you. It's been a while since I did a recap post of any kind. I'll try to keep it short and sweet, though. Just a reminder of some pretty sweet and happy moments. MY NOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTS & THINGS TO BE GRATEFUL FOR: - WORKING ON NEW ART Finding enough time to make quality art is never easy, especially when it's not your main occupation, so sometimes I'm thrilled to even start a simple sketch. As I always say, you never know what a simple sketch might turn into. My favourite piece this month is definitely this watercolour painting, but I have so many new ideas I'm sure I'll manage to make some new watercolours some time soon. I'm also happy when I find the time to do some photography collages that combine my art with my photog...