Writing this post took forever, and not just because I'm not exactly sure how many books I read in 2018. I did try to keep a track on goodreads but sometimes I forget to add books that I'm reading there. I'd say that I probably read around 80 books last year, give or take a dozen. I do love to read, as readers of my blog might already know or suspect. Here comes a list of my last year favourites. The list is written in no particular order. The links are not affiliated ( I tried to join Amazon affiliate program in the past but they rejected me saying that my blog doesn't have enough views so yeah it's all regular links). In cases of classics the books are linked to sites such as Project Gutenberg or Oxford University where you can find free copies. In case of modern works, I linked them up to my own blog posts (when relevant), Wikipedia or the authors' sites. I had a pretty good reading year, I'd say. Some of the books I read I actually disco...