Sundays are for Murakami (South Of The Border, West Of Sun) / Nedjelje su za Murakamija ( Južno od granice, zapadno od sunca)

Sundays are for Murakami. Indeed, this day seems perfect to write about this writer. I always felt there was something dreamy and melanchonic about Sundays. No wonder this Sunday got me thinking about Murakami, about Sputnik and South OF The Border, West of The Sun . This evening I shall speak only about the latter, but tomorrow, who knows? They say that Murakami is one of those authors you either love or hate. I can actually understand how his style of writing might not be for everyone’s taste, but I happen to love him. His unique writing style always had a sort of hypnotic power over me. I feel enchanted when I read his novels, almost like I’m entering some magical world. Moreover, at times it is almost like I’m in the book myself, a silent observer, but nevertheless, a person very much present. Do you know that feeling when you feel a part of a book right from the start? You only started reading it but you already feel immersed in it? When the first sentences draw you in ...