Bay Torac, Island Hvar: Would You Like To Vacation Here?

Island Hvar is definitely my first love. I spend a lot of time there while growing up, and perhaps no place has had a greater impact on me from an artistic point of view, not even my native town. I blogged about bay Torac often enough, but one more time can't hurt. This bay can boast of an incredibly beautiful beach, it may not look that long from this perspective, but it is actually one of the longest beaches in this Southern part of an island. The reason why this place was featured on my blog often is because my parents own a house there so obviously I will go there to pay them a visit whenever I can. My grandmother resides there as well, and so do many family members and relatives. We're all pretty much related to one another in this area. As I explained in one of my a previous posts ( here ), recently I have payed island Hvar a new visit. The reason why I went there was not to vacation but to help my parents prepare the house for the tourists. We only spent one night th...