Fashion illustration of the day (green coat, blue maxi dress) / Modna ilustracija dana (zeleni kaput, plava duga haljina)

Once again I'm fascinated by an idea of a maxi dress worn in this period. I know it might not be that practical (especially when it rains) but it is something I find visually interesting. This blue maxi from my imagination in my mind's eye is paired with a green coat (because I love how these two colours look together) and some beige faux fur (that may or may not be a part of the coat). The maxi bag is brown with red accents. The make up is dominated by a bold red lip. The eyelashes are stressed (whether by false lashes or a very good mascara- feel feel to give it your own interpretation). The hairdo is a casual braid and the shoes are pointy flats. Još jednom sam zaokupljena idejom duge haljine nošene u ovom periodu. Znam da to baš i nije najpraktičnije (pogotovo kada pada kiša), ali je to nešto što mi je vizualno zanimljivo. Plava duga haljina iz moja mašte u mojoj mašti je usklađena s zelenim kaputom (jer volim kako te dvije boje izgledaju zajedno) i malo bež umjetnog krzna ...