Because I believe in fairy tales....//// Jer ja vjerujem u bajke....

......because I believe in fairy tales. I believe in love. I believe in the joy of life. I believe in the pureness of heart and the efficiency of mind. I believe in the strength of the soul. I trust in friendship. I trust in beauty. I confide in literature. I confide in art. Life is art and art is life. I'm convinced that we're the creators of our life. Let's create our own fairy tale! ....jer ja vjerujem u bajke. Vjerujem u ljubav. Vjerujem u radost života. Vjerujem u čestitost srca i efikasnost uma. Vjerujem u snagu duše. Uzdam se u prijateljstvo. Uzdam se u ljepotu. Pouzdam se u književnost. Pouzdam se u umjetnost. Život je umjetnost, a umjetnost je život. Uvjerena sam da smo mi kreatori svoga života. Stvorimo vlastitu bajku! Do you want to check out my other social accounts? Želite li pogledati moje druge društvene profile? INSTAGRAM TWITTER GOODREADS LOOKBOOK Y...