Mostar, the city of bridges / Mostar, grad mostova

The weather has been unpredictable lately. One day it is Summer, the next Autumn. Today I might be sporting short sleeves, tomorrow I might be wearing a winter coat. Layering is always a good idea, but when the weather is this crazy, it turns into a necessity. Truth be told, these images were taken about a month (maybe even two) ago, but I wore practically the same thing last night. It has been raining all day yesterday and while it is not exactly cold outdoors, it isn't warm either. One doesn't feel too warm wearing a winter coat. Meaning: Spring is hiding itself. Not that I mind much. Most of the weather is pretty gorgeous here and I would be silly to complain of a few rainy days. Vrijeme je u zadnje vrijeme nepredvidljivo. Jednoga dana je ljeto, idućega jesen. Danas možda hodam u kratkim rukavima, sutra nosim zimski kaput. Slojevito odijevanje je uvijek dobra ideja , ali kada je vrijeme ovako ludo, onda je to nužnost. Istinu govoreći ove slike su uslikane prije mjese...