Hello! Today I'm taking you to recreational area Bunica aka Buna river. Buna is a settlement in vicinity of Mostar built around Buna river. I don't know if you have noticed, but Buna river is somewhat of a favoured destination on this little digital place to call my own. It has appeared on this blog about a hundred times. It's one of the first outdoor places where my husband has taken me ( back when we started dating), maybe even the first! Besides this lovely destination, we'll also do what we do best- some reviewing. What is my reading recommendation of the day? Unicorn Variation , a short story by Roger Zelazny. It was originally published in Asimov's Science Fiction magazine. I'm currently reading the Unicorn Variations book, a short story collection. You can read it online by borrowing it from an online library or you can listen to it on online ( Youtube edition ). Either way, I do recommend it, especially to fans of Roger Zelazny. Last Summer, I recom...