Early in the morning (outfit post)/ Rano ujutro (odjevna kombinacija)
This is what I wore last Saturday morning. I got up early and it has rained the night before so it was still a bit cold when I got dressed and left to do some chores. However, as soon as the sun came out realized I have too many layers of clothing... too late...I did remove the shirt but still I was too hot. Does that ever happens to you? My outfit was it seems more spring than summer appropriate but as I said it was still a bit cold when I got dressed...I might have known that it will be hot after...but here I was, all buttoned up and people playing picigin ( our local sport) on the beach behind me. Ovo je što sam nosila prošle subote. Rano sam se digla jer sam imala neke stvari za obaviti, a pošto je padala kiša bilo je još hladnjikavo pa sam se obukla više za proljeće nego za ljeto...Naravno čim je sunce izašlo, odmah je zatoplilo (što sam mogla i pretpostaviti) Skinula sam košulja, ali opet mi je bilo vruće. Dogodi li se vama ikad nešto slično? Kriva pro...